LE JEU QUI RIGOLE ! — by L’école des loisirs
LE JEU QUI RIGOLE ! — by L’école des loisirs LE JEU QUI RIGOLE ! — by L’école des loisirs
£13.00 GBP

Le jeu qui rigole ! 

Is this book angry ? Is he shy ? He said no ? But, if we play with him, then he says YES ! And he laugh ! You can also play and do the mouse's challenges. You will learn to understand emotions and everyday's situations. 
A game of rhythmic mimics that is very funny !

10 minutes's game.

2 to 4 players
3 to 103 yo


  • 50 cards
    1 board
    4 pawn
    1 dice

French language

By L’école des Loisirs